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Daniel Gimenez

Daniel Gimenez

My name is Daniel Gimenez, from the beginning as a professional, I was interested and passionate about participating and being part of the improvement processes of organizations. Initially we concentrated on commercial, financial or operational objectives, after participating in implementations of Iso Standards, Global Pact and specializing in Projects, Management Control, Human Resources and Finance, I realized that the growth objectives were beyond the purely financial/economic ones.
In 2011 we created Fisterra, choosing this name, because we feel identified with what Fisterra stands for. This town, in the north of Spain, is the western westernest mainland point in Europe, is the end of the road of Santiago de Compostela and also there is the most important lighthouse of the North Atlantic. At this point a Roman empire with its soldiers had to be re-invented because they had no more to conquer; it also has great significance for pilgrims on the road to Santiago de Compostela and finally, which means for North Atlantic vessels. Since Fisterra represents the lighthouse, the guide, the re-inventing and the rebirth, is why we choose this name and the same thing we want to become with respect to organizations, help them to get out of a particular situation, manage to reorder, reorganize, reinvent themselves to achieve their goals, etc. We have many success stories with companies that help them reach achievable goals, in a certain time and context, by reorganizing their work plan. Of course great objectives are a summary of tasks that we perform or guide to be carried out, from company sales, due diligence, implementations of improvement processes, renegotiation of contracts, ERP implementations, career plans and personal development, among others. We want our clients to endure in time and in the society to which they belong, that is why we apply and encourage them to apply, to the SDP objectives, the Global Pact, taking firm steps and collaborating on sustainability. We provide a differential product, professional and with great quality.