Could you describe your strategy on a sheet? … “Poor execution and NOT a bad strategy is the cause of 70% of CEOs’ failures”
Could you describe your strategy on a sheet?… Would that description match that of another executive? … The way a strategy is described can be very different….
Some do so from their financial plans, others from their products or services, others target their target customers, while others talk about quality, or focusing efforts on technology or human resources.
However, these are one-dimensional and deep visions, but none provide a complete and comprehensive vision for describing a strategy.
Strategic maps create a visual framework for a clear description of your organization’s strategy.
Just as planes, ships and cars already come with Global positioning instruments and route traceability. The Strategic Map is the fundamental tool required by the Management of any company, to guide it to its Destination.
There is no single Strategic Map for all companies, this should be built considering the Company’s Vision and Mission, Financial Strategies, Internal Processes, Client and Learning.
These definitions when they are fully well constituted and linked, and adding an analysis (Macro-Micro; Internal-External) of Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats (SWOT), form the basis of a Strategic Business Plan.
This Strategic Plan could be compared as aviation defines the Flight Plan, which details Airport Origin and End, intermediate points or destinations, re-supply, miles to be traveled without resourcing, flight identification, registration and pilot experience, occupants, aircraft type, weather, route, etc.
The objective of the strategic map is to have follow-up indicators and to the slightest deviation; generate enough alarms to correct, e.i. supply or rescue.
Dashboards – Balanced Scorecard
9 out of 10 strategies are never implemented. You. Have you managed to implement yours?
“A bad execution and NOT a bad strategy, is the cause of 70% of CEOs’ failures” according to Fortune Magazine.
Much of the value created in an organization lies in intangible assets that do not appear in the financial statements, related to customers, quality, innovation, employees and technology.
Balanced Scorecard is a management tool that transforms an organization’s market opportunities and capabilities into tangible results. The only option that has a strategy to create value is through successful execution.
“Strategy concerns the definition of a company’s short- and long-term goals and objectives and the adoption of actions and the allocation of the resources necessary to achieve those Objectives.” Alfred Chandler.
Resolved Strategic Design, you are in a position to start trading tactically with Functional Plans.
Functional plans must be initiated from the “Marketing Plan” following the “Production Plan” (infrastructure, Logistics), then the “Technology Plan” (Infrastructure, Expansion) and the “Human Resources Plan” (Assignment, Evaluation and Development). The Result of all these plans will generate the “Economic, Financial and Heritage Plan of the Company”
Each Plan will have indicators with budget/estimate lines that will be compared to actual implementation lines, so that deviations, projections and corrections can be determined.
· ¿How are we going to carry out the strategy?
· ¿What perspective are we going to focus on?
· ¿How we will achieve our competitive advantage?
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